E-Portfolio Projects
Power, perspective and place in borders and identities. How do borders (of all kinds) impact how we identify and are identified?
Romanticizing the Borderlands
The Border in our Collective Imagination: A Virtual Tour
Cultura? Cultura!
Grade Level: 9-12th grade
Subject Areas: Ethnic/Multicultural Studies
Time Required: 120 minutes (1 120 minute block or two 60 minute blocks)
Prepared by: Alberto Barajas
Keywords: Borderlands, Binationalism, Identity, 1st generation, 2nd generation, Transnationalism, Latinx
What’s going on at the border?
Grade Level: 9th-12th
Subject Areas: World History, American II, Civics and Economics
Time Required: 3 Days
Prepared by: Antonio Noland
Keywords: Citizenship, Identity, emigration, Immigration, Media, Migrant, Migration, bracero program, Treaty