E-Portfolio Projects
The Role of Borders in the American Empire
Grade Level: 11-12
Subject Areas: High School United States History
Time Required: 1 week (5 45-minute periods or 2-3 90-minute block periods.)
Prepared by: Emmet O'Keefe; Chicago, Illinois (East Leyden High School)
Keywords: united states, borders, hegemony, empire, foreign policy, history, high school
Immigration, A Never-Ending Journey
Grade Level: 9-12
Subject Areas: Language Arts and Social Studies/History
Time Required: 200 minutes
Prepared by: Daniel Jaramillo; El Paso, Texas (Del Valle High School)
Keywords: Immigrant, Migration, Assimilation, Language, Deportation, Border, Policy
Community, Identity and Belonging in “Tell Me How It Ends”
Grade Level: 11-12
Subject Areas: English/Language Arts, Social Studies
Time Required: Four 40-60 minute class periods, plus time to work on an assessment.
Prepared by: Carlynn Houghton, The Chapin School, New York, NY
Keywords: Migrants, refugees, immigration, bilingual, interview, asylum, activism
Life in the Desert Borderlands
Grade Level: 6-8
Subject Areas: Spanish I (Introductory Spanish)
Time Required: Two 45-minute class periods
Prepared by: Bonnie Stevens; Kansas City, Missouri
Keywords: los sentidos, sensory, la frontera, el desierto, el español, the Chihuahuan Desert, Sonoran Desert, geography, borderlands, language arts
The Dangers of Narrative Simplicity: Crossing Linguistic Borders in the Asylum Seeking Process
Grade Level: 11-12
Subject Areas: Spanish II or above (For IB: Spanish Ab Initio 2nd year, Spanish B)
Time Required: 4-5 hours of classroom time plus 1-2 homework assignments
Prepared by: Andrew (Andy) Gorvetzian; Albuquerque, New Mexico
Keywords: narrative/narrativa, political asylum/asilo politico, migration/migración, indigenous groups/grupos indigenas